June 10, 2013
Federal Whistleblower Settlement Announcement

Weber Settlement Press Release 2013-JUN-09
Goodwin Weber PLLC, a law firm practicing in Maryland, the District of Columbia and New York, announced what is widely viewed as the third largest federal employee whistle blower settlement in US history. In the settlement, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was ordered to pay David P. Weber, a member of the firm, substantial money damages, reinstate David, and clear his record. Mr. Weber stated, “Doing the right thing can be hard – just as my family and I experienced. Yet I still teach my clients and students that you need to raise your hand and do the right thing. Now that my name has been cleared, I look forward to helping others through my growing law and forensic investigations practice.” David is an attorney and certified fraud examiner. Contact our firm if you choose to whistle, and want to hire a lawyer with proven experience fighting for your rights.