About Goodwin Weber
Doing the right thing can be hard. It helps when you have the right lawyers. We are a boutique law firm practicing in Maryland, Washington, DC, Virginia and New York. At our core, we are lawyers with big city experience and small town values.
We, as a law firm, deeply care about providing personal, reliable and prompt service to every client. We believe people have a right to quality legal services at a reasonable hourly rate. We chose to practice law on Market Street in Gaithersburg and Main Street on Chincoteague Island, not Wall Street. We pride ourselves on being responsive to the individual needs of each client, on each client’s schedule, and in a personalized manner. Contact us to discuss how we can help.

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Practice Areas
We chose to practice law on Main Street, not Wall Street. We are a boutique law firm practicing in Maryland, Virginia, Washington DC, and New York. At our core, we are lawyers with big city experience and small town values. We focus on Estate Planning, Administration and Litigation; Family Law; Non-Profit and Tax-Exempt Organizations; Small Business Planning; Fraud Examination and Forensic Investigation; Federal Banking Law; Employment Law and Defense; and Criminal and Civil Litigation. We, as a law firm, deeply care about providing personal, reliable and prompt service to every client. We believe people have a right to quality legal services at a reasonable hourly rate. We pride ourselves on being responsive to the individual needs of each client, on each client’s schedule, and in a personalized manner. Contact us to discuss how we can help.
Estate Planning
We advise all types of clients on their estate planning needs, from individuals with modest estates who want “simple wills” with no trusts to wealthier clients who require complex tax-savings techniques. We advise clients in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and New York. We represent individuals in all stages of life, from young families who need guardians and trusts for their minor children to older individuals who want to gift to grandchildren while still ensuring they have sufficient assets for their own needs. We have experience in setting up estate plans for “non-traditional families,” including same-sex couples, single-parent families, second-marriages, blended families and grandparents raising grandchildren. We also work with pet-owners to plan for future care of their pets, whether through wills or stand-alone pet trusts. An estate plan is very individualized and we do not provide cookie-cutter documents or even approach any two clients in the same manner. Estate plans typically include, at minimum, a will (with or without trusts), a power of attorney document, and a living will/power of attorney for health care. Depending on the particular client’s needs and goals, it may also include other features, such as beneficiary designation changes for life insurance or retirement assets, stand-alone trust documents, or other instruments. We will review all of your assets to be sure they are appropriately titled and that you have proper financial and insurance vehicles in place. An estate plan encompasses many aspects of an individual’s or family’s financial plan, but also addresses non-financial components such as nomination of guardians for minor children and recipients of specific assets. For the business owner, a complete estate plan also addresses business succession and ownership issues. The estate planning process can be a very daunting experience for many people, and we strive to make it a pleasant and personalized one. Our hope is that when you come to us, you will feel “at home” and comfortable discussing some of your most personal matters. We start the process with an initial intake form, which will help us determine the type of estate plan that may be right for you and will also help us to determine any tax or other issues that we need to consider. Then, we will have an initial meeting in which we will ask you a series of questions and go through several hypothetical situations. This is not meant to scare you, but it is important to allow you to fully consider every aspect of your estate plan. After our initial meeting, we will send you draft documents with an explanatory letter and ask you to follow up with any questions or changes you may have. Finally, we will meet to sign the documents, which must be done with particular formalities, in accordance with local law in order for the documents to be valid. We are available to meet with you on your time, either during business hours or in the evenings, and can meet at our office, at your home or another location preferred by you. Please contact our firm if you would like to discuss the estate planning process further or are ready to begin
Estate Administration & Litigation
Estate Administration
We represent the estates of deceased individuals, and counsel individuals in administering the estates of deceased loved ones. Attorneys in our firm have administered estates in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, the State of New York and New York City. We assist the estate’s executor, or Personal Representative, in navigating the probate system, and advise as to any necessary transactions and associated tax ramifications. We also prepare and file any necessary estate tax returns, and work with a decedent’s existing CPA and financial advisor where appropriate and requested by the executor. We can be as much or as little involved in the process as you require, thereby helping you control the cost of the administration. Above all, we are available to answer all questions and assist in all aspects of the administration, whether they are legal or nonlegal in nature. We are available to meet outside of normal business hours, and can meet you either at our office or at your home.
Estate Litigation
We have represented parties in estate litigation in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and New York. Our clients include interested persons in estate litigation matters involving fraud, undue influence, inappropriate transfer of assets and other questionable transactions. Where appropriate, an individual may use the courts to challenge the actions of an executor, the deceased or individuals who have mishandled estate property or committed other kinds of diminution, waste, fraud, or abuse. We have experience in identifying, tracing and pursuing missing assets, including forensic investigation, conducting accountings and undertaking other investigative measures to protect the rights of our clients.
Tax Exempt Organization
We advise Tax-Exempt Organizations / non-profits with regard to corporate formation and existence within the State of Maryland, the Commonwealth of Virginia, the District of Columbia and New York. We also assist non-profit organizations in obtaining tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service, on a nationwide basis. This includes 501(c)(3) charitable, religious and educational organizations, 501(c)(4) social welfare groups, 501(c)(6) trade associations, and other exempt organizations. Our firm advises existing tax-exempt organizations to ensure ongoing compliance with the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations and IRS procedures and administrative decisions, and address any legal issues. We also work with 501(c)(3) organizations to review their endowment funds, planned giving strategies, and address any corporate-related questions.
Small Business Practice
Existing Small Business in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC and New York
We represent existing businesses, including corporations, partnerships, joint ventures and limited liability companies, with regard to tax and corporate issues, including compliance, licensing, insurance, or litigation. We can assist small businesses with assessment of internal controls, and response to concerns regarding employee embezzlement, or other fraud risks suffered by small businesses in particular.
Starting a Business in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC or New York?
We represent individuals in setting up a small business, advising on entity choice, formation, and associated legal representation, including drafting and reviewing charters/Articles of Incorporation, bylaws/operating agreements, board resolutions, unanimous consents, employment agreements, stockholder agreements,and buy-sell agreements.
We have investigated misconduct by attorneys, tax preparers and accountants, tracked stolen credit cards and vehicles, advised clients on avoidance of contract fraud, and helped small businesses address theft and embezzlement concerns. We handle cases throughout Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia and New York, and in select cases, other states, as permitted by our licenses.
If you have a personal, financial, criminal, regulatory, enforcement, or compliance problem, we can help in court, or through timely intervention with the appropriate regulator or criminal authorities. If it is too late for timely intervention, we can assist you in mitigating your damages. Please contact us for further information; we would be happy to meet with you at a time and place convenient to you.

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Criminal Law
Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC and Federal Court Criminal Defense Attorneys
Expertise in Criminal and Civil Self-Defense Matters, and Lawful Possession of Firearms
Attorneys at Goodwin Weber PLLC have been engaged in criminal law practice for decades. Richard J. Link has defended criminal cases in Maryland, Virginia and Washington, DC for more than 20 years. David P. Weber has served alternatively as a federal trial attorney, criminal defense attorney, law enforcement officer, or investigator for well over two decades, and is a life member of the National Rifle Association.
Since forming Goodwin Weber PLLC, we have represented organizations and individuals in criminal and compliance matters from substantial civil money penalties, to misdemeanors and felonies.
One of our largest practice areas is representing clients who have used deadly force in self defense, or defense of others.
We handle self-defense cases in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC. In addition to the criminal consequences of using a firearm to defend yourself or a loved one, we have also successfully assisted a number of clients with the civil consequences of self-defense, and the myriad of state and federal laws that apply to gun ownership and self-defense.
Goodwin Weber PLLC has the experience to help you with a wide range of investigations, grand jury proceedings, or criminal charges. We also represent clients in administrative motor vehicle hearings concerning DWI/DUI and license revocations, and if needed, before the Maryland handgun permit review board.
Contact Us
If you need regulatory, administrative or criminal representation in Maryland, Virginia, or Washington, DC, please contact us. Our attorneys make every effort to return calls within 24 hours.

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Family Law
The attorneys at Goodwin Weber PLLC have litigated cases for more than two decades in Maryland, Virginia, the District of Columbia, and New York. We provide representation to clients in all aspects of family and domestic relations law in each of these jurisdictions. From pre-and post-nuptial agreements to divorce, child support, alimony, and the division of marital property, we can help navigate an appropriate course for you and your family. We also represent non-traditional families, including same sex couples.
We also believe in doing the right thing for our clients – recommending – when appropriate – to engage in negotiation, mediation, or other collaborative methods to resolving disputes. Doing so earns less for the attorney, but frequently results in a more amicable, cost and time efficient resolution of your family dispute. Contact us so that we can discuss how we can help you.
Divorce and Domestic Relations Dispute Resolution
When the time comes, whether one or both partners decide to end a marriage, it can be an emotional and highly-stressful time. An experienced team of attorneys can help you move forward.
Parents with young children must consider custody and visitation with their soon to-be-ex-spouse. Families must prepare for substantial new financial obligations.
We understand the heavy financial and emotional toll of divorce. We guide clients through all stages of their divorce, and help get you back on your feet. We handle amicable divorces, when we can, and litigate divorces for our clients when it is not possible to come to a negotiated resolution.
We represent clients with each of the following issues:
- Marital Property Division
- Disposition of Marital Home
- Division of Retirement Accounts
- Alimony (and pre-trial alimony, while case is pending)
- Child Custody and modification of Child Custody
- Visitation and Access
- Child Support (and pre-trial child support, while case is pending)
- Taxes
- Military Retirement and Benefits
High Net Worth Families and Family Owned Businesses
Goodwin Weber PLLC has experience representing ultra-affluent and high net worth families in dispute resolution in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC and New York. Divorce and domestic disputes need to be considered carefully in any circumstance, but this is especially so when your family is wealthy, or owns a business. Contact Goodwin Weber PLLC if we can help you with a high value dispute, or the need for business valuation.
Pre and Post-nuptial Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements should be seriously considered in second marriages or where there is a significant asset or education disparity between the parties getting married. While a divorce can present serious uncertainty to one’s financial assets, a prenuptial agreement can provide some measure of certainty. Contact Goodwin Weber PLLC to discuss how we can assist you in drafting a prenuptial agreement prior to your marriage, or domestic partnership.
State and Federal Employment Law
Doing the right thing can be hard. It helps when you have the right lawyers. We help you tell the truth, without fear.
Goodwin Weber PLLC represents federal employees in all manner of employment disputes. From security clearances, conduct or performance concerns, raising one’s hand as a whistleblower, to being a witness or subject of an Office of Inspector General (OIG) or other agency investigation, we can help.
We have proven experience representing and defending federal, state and private employees.
David P. Weber, a member of the firm, has extensive experience as the Assistant Inspector General for Investigations for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, investigating federal employee misconduct. He has also defended federal employees from the other side of the table as an National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU) lawyer, officer and steward. Until March 2016, Mr. Weber also served as a Lieutenant Colonel Judge Advocate in the Maryland State Guard. Mr. Weber has been involved in cases before the Military, EEOC, MSPB, U.S. District Court, and in providing information to Congress. We offer one of the few practices in the DC metro area that has truly represented parties, on all sides, of federal employment disputes. This gives us unique insight in representing federal or state employees. Please contact us, so that we can discuss helping you.
Our representation of federal, state and private employees includes:
- Representation of whistle blowers;
- Representation of employees accused of poor performance or misconduct issues;
- Representation of employees who are witnesses or subjects of OIG or other agency investigations;
- Representation of employees or contractors in security or suitability clearance matters;
- Representation of employees who have been retaliated against, or subject to unlawful personnel action due to protected EEO status; and
- Representation of uniformed military service members or veterans in employment and reemployment disputes, benefit claims, or criminal matters.
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Civil Litigation
We represent clients in all manner of disputes — business and personal. We represent clients in criminal and civil litigation in Maryland, Virginia, Washington, DC, and on limited occasion, New York. Our skilled attorneys have handled a wide variety of cases, ranging from representation of whistle-blowers, individuals accused of misconduct by federal and local authorities, to prosecution of claims in which hundreds of millions of dollars were in dispute. We also have extensive experience with banking and regulatory compliance, federal consumer protection, contract disputes, estate and trust disputes, and professional misconduct by accountants, attorneys, appraisers and title companies. We have investigated allegations of misconduct by prosecutors, handled mortgage fraud cases, fraudulent mortgage flips, bid and contract fraud, and pay-to-play schemes.
We have successfully pursued claims against law firms, lawyers, accountants, real estate appraisers, settlement agents, insurance corporations, title companies, and nationally chartered and state chartered banks of all sizes. We have a particular expertise in employment law, representing employees and businesses.
If you need resolution for a civil dispute, we can help assist you in mitigating your damages through arbitration, mediation, or the civil court system (we also assist with criminal matters). We have flexible schedules and can meet you within or outside of normal work hours and at a location of your choice if needed.
Banking and Financial Services Law
Goodwin Weber PLLC has extensive experience in federal banking and financial services law. We consult with and advise federally insured depository institution officers, directors, employees and agents in matters pertaining to supervisory bank examinations conducted by each of the federal bank regulatory agencies to assess compliance with all applicable federal banking laws, rules and regulations governing the operation of such institutions. In the failed bank context, we also have sued the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, in U.S. District Court, on behalf of creditors of banks and the FDIC as Receiver.
We also accept engagements to represent Audit or Supervisory Committees of banks or credit unions, or special litigation or investigation subcommittees. We will defend officers and directors in regulatory inquiries from the examination and investigation stage, through trial and appeal, if required. We also will conduct internal investigations at the direction of bank or credit union boards of directors as part of our services.
David P. Weber, a principal of the firm, has extensive experience in state and national bank regulatory matters. Mr. Weber previously served as the Supervisory Counsel of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s Enforcement Unit I, overseeing all bank enforcement and investigations concerning state chartered banks in the Kansas City, San Francisco, Dallas, Memphis, and Chicago Regions of the FDIC. While at the FDIC, Weber helped investigate and initiate the first actions brought by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).
Prior to his service at the FDIC, Mr. Weber served as the Special Counsel for Enforcement at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for more than a decade, directing investigations and enforcement actions involving national banks and their officers and directors. Mr. Weber has personally handled some of the largest enforcement actions ever brought against state and national banks, including those concerning consumer protection, alleged insider abuse and misconduct, the Bank Secrecy Act/AML concerns, and mergers, acquisitions, failures, and troubled institutions (those rated 3 or worse).
Since entering private practice, Mr. Weber has represented whistleblowers, current and former bank officers, and creditors, before the OCC, SEC, NCUA, FDIC and Federal Reserve Board, and has sued the FDIC in federal court as Receiver. There matters have covered the range of banking concerns, from BSA/AML, insider abuse, consumer compliance, OFAC and sanctions violations, ALLL reserves and securities law concerns.
Mr. Weber has personally handled many regulatory enforcement actions including commitment letters, memorandums of understanding, supervisory agreements, cease and desist orders, prompt corrective action directives, safety and soundness orders, civil money penalties, orders of suspension, prohibition and removal orders, restitution orders, and orders placing institutions into receivership or conservatorship. His matters have been litigated before agency Administrative Law Judges, U.S. Bankruptcy Courts (discharge of civil penalty orders), U.S. District Courts, and U.S. Courts of Appeal. One matter has even been been argued before the United States Supreme Court (by an Assistant Solicitor General).
The firm has a nationwide practice, and represents officers and directors before all of the federal banking agencies, including the FDIC (state chartered non member banks and state chartered thrifts); OCC (national banks and federal thrifts); Federal Reserve Board (FRB) (state chartered member banks and bank and financial holding companies); CFPB (large bank consumer matters and non bank consumer matters); FinCEN (BSA); the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD); and the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) (credit unions).
If you have a matter that requires an experienced bank regulatory attorney, please contact us. Timely intervention with the appropriate federal regulator is key. If timely intervention is too late, we can also help you with crafting the appropriate response – from soft touch to heavy hand.
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Whistleblower Award Practice
Is Your Maryland or Virginia Employer or Healthcare Provider Cheating the Government?
Federal, Maryland, and Virginia Whistleblower Laws Pay Cash Rewards
Corrupt Maryland and Virginia companies pocket millions of valuable taxpayer dollars by defrauding taxpayer-funded programs like Medicare or Medicaid, and Defense Department contracting, engaging in billing and contract schemes for their own profit, and the harm of our nation and states.
Maryland and Virginia whistleblowers can help
Hard-working Maryland and Virginia citizens are taking a stand against corporate corruption, deceit and lack of accountability. But – Maryland and Virginia whistleblowers – working with experienced fraud lawyers – can report dishonest employers who are placing Federal, Maryland and Virginia tax dollars and citizens at risk. Federal, Maryland and Virginia False Claims laws can provide millions of dollars in cash bounties through whistleblower awards to bookkeepers, accountants, pharmacists, physicians, bankers, consultants, sales reps, executives and other professionals with valuable non-public information that leads to government recovery.
These False Claims laws also provide money damages for whistleblowers who experience employer retaliation after reporting suspected fraud.
Maryland or Virginia fraud can arise out of a number of activities, from simple billing “errors” to sophisticated and complex schemes involving numerous business entities. Any fraudulent act committed against a government-funded program (or to evade paying taxes) can result in a cash whistleblower bounty, including but not limited to:
- Accounting fraud
- Bribery
- Failure to report overpayments
- False certifications
- Fraudulent billing
- Identity theft
- Insider trading
- Illegal kickbacks
- Licensing fraud
- Medicare billing schemes
- Medicaid scams
- Mislabeling of drugs
- Misrepresentations in contract biddings
- Failure to provide specified services or goods under a contract with the government.
To collect a Federal, Maryland or Virginia whistleblower award and be eligible for legal job and retaliation protections, whistleblowers (“qui-tam relators”) must be the first to report suspected fraud and must follow the claims process carefully. This is why, you need an experienced Maryland and Virginia whistleblower attorney. Contact us so we can help.
Our Maryland and Virginia Whistleblower Lawyers Will Maximize Whistleblower Cash Awards
Whistleblower attorney Dr. David P. Weber directs Goodwin Weber PLLC’s fraud and whistleblower practice. Dr. Weber has served as whistleblower counsel in cases involving hundreds of millions of dollars in fraud in the DC metro area, including reports to the Department of Defense, Internal Revenue Service, Department of Justice, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, and the federal courts.
In addition to being an attorney licensed in Virginia, Maryland, the District of Columbia, and New York, Dr. Weber is a Certified Fraud Examiner and a registered Private Investigator in the Commonwealth of Virginia. He is also a full time faculty member at the Perdue School of Business, Salisbury University, where he teaches forensic accounting and fraud examination each semester. He is a world-recognized fraud expert, frequently referenced in news stories. In 2024, he was named Certified Fraud Examiner of the Year by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners.
Attorney Richard J. Link, of counsel to Goodwin Weber PLLC, is an attorney licensed in Virginia, Maryland, Virginia and the District of Columbia, who has more than thirty years of experience assisting clients in defensive and affirmative investigations, including cases where millions of dollars in fraud in Maryland and Virginia have been at issue.
If you feel your Maryland or Virginia employer, healthcare provider, or other business is committing fraud against the government for profit, the Maryland and Virginia whistleblower lawsuit team at Goodwin Weber PLLC can maximize your potential cash whistleblower reward and help you collect damages for employer retaliation.
Call us today for an immediate, free consultation. This can help you check your eligibility for a cash whistleblower award.
Please call Dr. Weber at 301-850-7600 x 101, or Mr. Link at 301-850-7600 x 103. For faster response, use our electronic contact page here.
Federal, Maryland and Virginia False Claims laws allow for payment to whistleblowers of substantial money rewards – between 10% and 30% of the total government recovery arising from successful verdict or settlement. Each false or fraudulent claim submitted to the government for payment is included in determining the total government recovery amount, meaning whistleblower rewards can range in the hundreds of thousands to potentially millions of dollars.
Several variables are included in a court’s determination of total whistleblower cash award amounts, including:
- The whistleblower’s first-to-report status
- The timeliness of report that first blows the whistle
- Observance of proper reporting procedures
- Total false or fraudulent claims involved
- Damages sustained by the government programs at issue
- Whistleblowers’ contribution to investigation
- Degree of whistleblower misconduct in the fraud
- The degree of the original, non-public nature of the reported information
The Goodwin Weber PLLC team of whistleblower attorneys will examine each aspect of your individual case to ensure your whistleblower lawsuit secures the highest cash award possible.
Whether you work in Maryland, Virginia or the District of Columbia – the Goodwin Weber PLLC team will ensure your whistleblower claim is solid from the very start.
Speak with a Goodwin Weber PLLC whistleblower lawyer today. There is no obligation to pursue your report and your calls are completely confidential – as we are acting as your attorneys.
Please call Dr. Weber at 301-850-7600 x 101, or Mr. Link at 301-850-7600 x 103, or use our contact form for the quickest response.
Maryland and Virginia Whistleblowers Are Rewarded For Original-Source Information on Fraud
Federal, Maryland and Virginia False Claims laws provide citizens with massive cash whistleblower awards and legal protection from employer retaliation when their original-source information on fraud leads to government recovery. Whistleblowers seeking to put a stop to corporate fraud and increase accountability can report non-public inside knowledge of:
- State and Federal tax fraud
- Misrepresentation in government contracts
- Pharmaceutical fraud
- Medicare fraud
- Maryland and Virginia Medicaid fraud
- Illegal kickbacks
- Securities law violations
Though a majority of whistleblowers are company employees or ex-employees who have access to the inside policies and procedures of the business, no such connection is required to file a whistleblower claim. Whistleblowers frequently file claims against contractors, competitor companies, accountants and other outsiders. The only requirement is that the whistleblower supplies original, non-public information – knowledge that the government does not know – but for the whistleblower’s report.
The Goodwin Weber PLLC whistleblower team – and GWPLLC associated firms – have deep experience in representing whistleblowers reporting:
- Bank fraud
- IRS schemes
- SEC (Securities Exchange Commission) violations
- Federal, Maryland and Virginia government contract fraud
- Defense contractor fraud
- Medicare and Medicaid fraud
- Pharmaceutical fraud
If you have original information regarding fraud against the government, you must be first-to-file a whistleblower claim to secure your eligibility for a cash award. Act now and solidify your role as whistleblower. Contact a Goodwin Weber PLLC whistleblower attorney immediately for a confidential, no-cost case evaluation.
Please call Dr. Weber at 301-850-7600 x 101, or Mr. Link at 301-850-7600 x 103.
Federal Laws Protect Against Employer Retaliation
Employer retaliation is a major reason many would-be whistleblowers hesitate to report knowledge of fraud. Fortunately, Federal laws provide protection for whistleblowers against angry employers who choose to fire, demote, suspend, threaten, harass or otherwise discriminate against an employee who reports or plans to report misconduct. Whistleblowers may file a claim for retaliation damages even when they have only reported the suspected fraud to an internal supervisor. Employees who are retaliated against in response to disclosing information are entitled to relief necessary to “make the employee whole,” including:
- Job reinstatement
- Back pay
- Attorneys’ fees and costs
- Other relevant damages
If you have been fired, demoted or harassed by your employer for reporting suspected fraud, you may have substantial rights to be free from retaliation under federal whistleblower laws.
Finally – don’t delay your report! Statutes of limitations apply in filing for whistleblower awards, or for damages resulting from employer retaliation. Contact a Goodwin Weber PLLC whistleblower attorney immediately for a confidential, no-cost case evaluation.
Please call Dr. Weber at 301-850-7600 x 101, or Mr. Link at 301-850-7600 x 103.
Remember – Timing is Critical! Statutes of Limitations and First-To-File Requirements Apply. Statute of limitations laws require that whistleblower lawsuits be filed within specified time periods from the misconduct. Also critical is that the False Claims Act ‘first-to-file’ rule bars the filing of multiple claims based on the same information. This means, though several people may be aware of misconduct, only the first to file a whistleblower claim is eligible for a cash award. (But multiple individuals may come together to file a joint claim and share in the cash whistleblower award.)
If you are considering blowing the whistle on your Maryland or Virginia employer, healthcare provider, or other company, it is critical that you consult with a whistleblower lawyer the moment you suspect misconduct. Contact a Goodwin Weber PLLC whistleblower attorney immediately for a confidential, no-cost case evaluation.
Please call Dr. Weber at 301-850-7600 x 101, or Mr. Link at 301-850-7600 x 103. You may also use our contact form on our website www.goodwinweberlaw.com.
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Eastern Shore Law Practice
Life’s a Beach: Sometimes, You Need a Lawyer
We know that you chose to live or vacation on the Eastern Shore for the bounty Chesapeake life offers.
Even in paradise, things go wrong. No matter the issue, we can help. You need trusted counsel. We handle cases on both the Maryland and Virginia sides of the Eastern Shore.
David P. Weber and Julie Goodwin Weber are Eastern Shore residents and attorneys, and practice out of the oldest standing building on Main Street, of Chincoteague Island, Virginia. We practice on both sides of the Eastern Shore, with a particular interest in the Southern portion of the Marva Peninsula, including Talbot, Caroline, Dorchester, Wicomico, Somerset, Worcester, Accomack and Northhampton Counties. We are members of the Chincoteague Chamber of Commerce, and the Chincoteague Cultural Alliance, and strive to help all who live and work on the shore. We can help with matters involving estate planning, estate and probate disputes, small business, and all manner of civil disputes.
Note: Because David is a part-time criminal prosecutor on the Eastern Shore, our law firm is not able to accept criminal defense matters on the Delmarva.
Please contact us for more details. We endeavor to respond to all inquires within 24 hours.
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December 18, 2024
Julie Goodwin Weber and Dr. David P. Weber named Super Lawyers for 2025 by Thompson Reuters
Goodwin Weber PLLC is proud to announce that attorneys Julie Goodwin Weber and Dr. David P. Weber have each been named Super Lawyers for 2025 by Thompson Reuters. Only five percent (5%) of lawyers in a state are selected to Super Lawyers. Yet, on the Eastern Shore, Super Lawyer membership is far more exclusive: Julie and David are the sole […]
Read More...December 24, 2023
Julie Goodwin Weber and Dr. David P. Weber named Super Lawyers for 2024
Goodwin Weber PLLC is proud to announce that attorneys Julie Goodwin Weber and Dr. David P. Weber have each been named Super Lawyers for 2024 by Thompson Reuters. Only five percent (5%) of lawyers in a state are selected to Superlawyers. Yet, on the Eastern Shore, Super Lawyer membership is far more exclusive: Julie and […]
Read More...August 18, 2023
Attorney General designates death of Washington, DC Police Officer Jeffrey L. Smith as Line of Duty – Statements of Widow Erin Smith and Dr. David P. Weber
Statement of Widow Erin Smith and Dr. David P. Weber, Attorney for the Estate of Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey L. Smith and Mrs. Erin Smith, personally and as Executor of the Estate of Jeffrey Smith 8-18-2023 – Yesterday, Hope Janke, Esq., Director of the U.S. Department of Justice Public Safety Officers’ Benefit (“PSOB”) Office, informed […]
Read More...March 14, 2023
Received a 15-day letter? You should engage counsel.
Received a 15 day letter? Goodwin Weber PLLC has extensive experience in federal bank regulatory law and defense. The federal banking agencies send 15 day letters to current or former bank officers, directors, employees, contractors or agents where the government is considering the initiation of a regulatory enforcement action. Under federal law, the banking agencies […]
Read More...August 14, 2021
GWPLLC locates, sues assailants of Police Officer Jeffrey Smith
As recounted in stories by the Huffington Post and Washington Post, GWPLLC Attorney David P. Weber has worked tirelessly to identify the assailants of deceased Washington, DC, Police Officer Jeffrey L. Smith. Weber, an attorney, certified fraud examiner, and private investigator, teamed up with open-source intelligence group DeepStateDogs, to meticulously scour the internet and social […]
Read More...August 10, 2021
The Rose Garden Backstory
The story about what actually happened in the Rose Garden was reported last night by CNN: “As President Joe Biden welcomed the families of police officers who had defended the US Capitol on January 6 to the Rose Garden last week, a legal battle was pending before the Police and Firefighters’ Retirement and Relief Board in […]
Read More...July 30, 2021
GWPLLC files opening brief in death of Police Officer from Capitol Insurrection
Today, Goodwin Weber PLLC and GWPLLC attorneys David P. Weber and Richard J. Link filed the opening brief before the District of Columbia Police and Firefighters Retirement and Relief Board, seeking line of duty death benefits for Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Officer Jeffrey Smith and his widow Erin Smith. Officer Smith died in the aftermath […]
Read More...March 13, 2020
A Second Message to Clients and Prospective Clients – Court Orders Responding to the Novel Corona Virus
During these trying times, we are providing a second update to Goodwin Weber PLLC clients and prospective clients. Major updates have been announced by the Maryland federal and local courts, as set forth below. We await instruction from the Virginia courts; as communicated yesterday, the Virginia federal court has postponed all misdemeanor criminal matters until […]
Read More...March 12, 2020
Due to the growing Maryland, Washington, DC and Virginia concerns surrounding COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus), we feel it is prudent to make this announcement publicly on our website and through social media. Effective immediately, the attorneys at Goodwin Weber PLLC will be halting all in-person client and prospective client meetings in our Gaithersburg, Maryland, […]
Read More...February 10, 2020
GWPLLC Attorney David P. Weber featured for his role in Netflix film The Laundromat
GWPLLC attorney David P. Weber was featured today in a news story about the Panama and Paradise Papers, and the Netflix Studios film about the investigation. Weber served as the technical consultant for The Laundromat, the 2019 Netflix film about the Panama Papers scandal. Directed by Steven Soderbergh, the cast features Meryl Streep, Gary Oldman […]
Read More...Contact
Disclaimer on Attorney Client Relationship
Contacting Goodwin Weber LLC (Maryland) or Goodwin Weber PLLC (District of Columbia) by our Contact Form or direct e-mail to our attorneys does not necessarily establish an attorney-client relationship. An attorney-client relationship is created only when the client agrees to hire the law firm, and a written engagement letter is entered into between the client and the law firm.
Disclaimer on Web Materials
The materials provided on this website are to be used for informational purposes only. Nothing contained on this website is intended to be legal advice, and while the information comes from reputable sources, we cannot assure the accuracy of the information provided. The law is complex, and you should seek the services of a competent attorney before acting upon the materials contained on this website.
Intake and Contact Form Disclaimers
Never send detailed confidential or sensitive information by e-mail or via non-secure online forms, such as the Contact Form on this website. Rather, you should call our offices to schedule a consultation, or use this form for initial law firm contact only. We will use such information, for among other purposes, conducting a conflict of interest check to ensure we have no conflict in representing you.